
Kartra How To Create Playlists

Kartra How To Create Playlists

Creating playlists in Kartra is a great way to provide customers with a curated set of content that you have created. The process to create a playlist is simple and straightforward.

First, log into your Kartra account and select the ‘Playlist’ tab from the left-hand menu. You will then find an option to ‘Create New Playlist’.

When you click this, you will be prompted to choose a title for your playlist, as well as give it an optional description. Once you have submitted these details, you can start adding content to your new playlist.

To do this, simply select ‘Add Content’ and use the search bar to locate content items such as videos, podcasts or articles that are hosted on Kartra.

Once you have found what item you want to add to your playlist, click the checkbox next to it and then click the ‘Add To Playlist’ button at the bottom of the screen.

This will move the selected item into your newly created playlist where it can be accessed by customers who subscribe.

You can repeat this process until all desired content has been added to your playlist and when finished click ‘Save Playlist’ in order for it to go live and become available for customers.

Overall, creating playlists in Kartra is a great way to showcase content in an organized fashion which allows customers easy access all of your work with fewer clicks or pages visited.

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