How to Fast-Track Your Commissions
I wanted to share with you a pretty cool victory today, that I hope is inspirational:

SEO Affiliate Domination by Greg Jeffries <<<
I’m not sure about you, but I don’t think there’s anything as exciting as waking up to a new commission from a new offer, network, or traffic source.
It feels SO amazing to see that something you tried actually worked.
And of course, I’m already starting to imagine the possibilities…
And this is just ONE of literally thousands of offers available on just this ONE network.
How Did I Get These Results?
As you know, I’ve been applying the training inside of Greg Jeffries’ SEO Affiliate Domination course this year, and it’s really starting to pay off.
It’s a very unique process that I’ve never seen taught anywhere else.
It uses a powerful combination of long tail keywords and mass page sites, and software automation tools.
The unique way these methods are blended create a way to promote products in a very passive way, and for almost no upfront investment.
And without the “annoying” parts of traditional SEO:
- No backlinks
- No PBNs
- No Social Media at all
- No Writing Anything Yourself
- No Hiring Writers Either
This particular result was exciting to me…
Because as I mentioned in the screenshot, I have had an account at impact radius
(a big affiliate network, if you’re not familiar – they have tens of thousands of vendors and products in almost every conceivable niche to promote).
BUT I really haven’t ever been able to make many sales from traditional methods.
But, applying the SEO AD process, I’m starting to see some really nice results.
And impact radius isn’t even the only affiliate network I’m seeing results with.
I’m also getting monthly commissions from:
- Clickbank
- Shareasale
- Partnerstack
- Independent Affiliate Programs
All using the same method.
If you want to learn how you can apply the same process,
Check out my review of SEO AD and Bonuses here.
Why I Love This Strategy (Especially In 2022)
Some of the awesome things about this particular SEO method is:
- It Works In Every Niche – a lot of strategies focus only on promoting one product, or one niche – this method works for literally every niche.
- No Ad Costs – Zero dollars spent on ad spend (there are costs, but they are very minimal)
- Infinitely Scalable – there are literally endless offers to promote with this method, which means…
- No Competition – there isn’t really any competition, because there are so many ways to promote offers in literally any niche, and the traffic is unlimited.
- Very Low Costs To Implement – other than some cheap hosting and a couple of plugins, you only have to invest in the training (which is priceless, in my opinion)
This is absolutely my favorite affiliate strategy right now.
If you want to join and try it yourself, go here to see my full review and if you join through my affiliate link, I will extend the bonuses that I offer on that page.
“The Nomad” Brad

Resources To Supercharge Your Marketing
How I’ve Been Earning Consistent Passive Monthly Commissions
Get The #1 Affiliate Training For 2022
Best Affiliate Tools & Resources | <<< My Favorite Affiliate Resources
.120 Top Recurring Affiliate Programs | <<< Download Free PDF
Check Out My Latest Youtube Video | <<< Good Stuff
Want 1-on1 Help With Your Business? | <<< Book A Coaching Call
Ready To Get Traffic With Bing? | <<< (Yes, It’s Still Working In 2022)
Digital Marketing Tools & Resources | <<< Speed Up Results With These
“Gamify” Your Productivity | <<< Free Tool To Gamify Productivity
Download My Commission Tracker | <<< Track Commissions. Stay Motivated!
AI Tool I Use To Write SEO Articles | <<< Create Ranking Content On Autopilot
WP Plugin That Builds SEO Sites For You | <<< Create “Assets” On Autopilot
Good Course For Newbie Affiliates | Start With Free Traffic & Build Up
Affiliate Book For Just $1 | <<< How To Get Started With Affiliate Marketing